Attica in the Early Iron Age
The scholars of the 19th and early 20th century
Pottery styles context synchronisms and the dating of the Attic Early Iron Age
Scientific dating methods for the Greek Early Iron Age
Iconographic studies on Attic Early Iron Age pottery
Connoisseuship in the study of Attic Early Iron Age workshops
The Mycenaeans versus Dorians debate
Archaeological approaches on Attic Early Iron Age Society
Problems and critique of previous approaches on Attic decorated finewares
The chaîne Opératoire theory
Introduction to the chaîne opératoire
Practical problems in the application of the chaîne opératoire theory
Technological choices in pottery production
Manifestations of technological choice in pottery production
Attic Early Iron Age chaînes opératoires
Methodology introduced by the author's research
A new methodology
Metrics and proportions
Fabrics and decoration
Studied material
Studies of Attic Early Iron Age vessel typologies
Analysis of large closed ceramic containers
Charts 1
Analysis of medium-sized pouring vessels
Charts 2
The analysis of small drinking vessels
Charts 3
Microscopic analysis of Attic Early Iron Age finewares
Microscopic analysis of Geometric and Orientalising finewares
Conclusions of the author's research on Attic Early Iron Age finewares
Social changes and production response
Modes of production, labour division and the number of Attic Geometric workshops
Contribution of present study, limitations and suggestions for future work
Bibliography on Attic Early Iron Age pottery
Full bibliography of the author's research
The author's remarks
Qasr Ibrim and Meroitic Lower Nubia
Problems, questions and methodology of study
Economy, trade and ceramic production in Meroitic Lower Nubia
A detailed study of the Romano-Meroitic trade in Lower Nubia
A detailed study of pottery production and industrial facilities in Meroitic Nubia
Full bibliography on Egyptian and Meroitic pottery
Examination of two wheel-made pottery traditions: R30 and W26
Microscopic fabric analyses of Aswani and Merotic pottery
Conclusions of study and suggestions
Microscopic analysis of Geometric and Orientalising finewares
Microscopic fabric analyses of Aswani and Merotic pottery
Petrological study on pottery from Lower Nubia
Examples of Greek Bronze Age art
Examples of Greek Early Iron Age funerary art
Archaic Greece and the Solonian and Cleisthenic reforms in Archaic Athens
Archaic dialects, the Hellenistic Koine and the modern Greek language
War and the religious, social and political perceptions of the ancient Greeks
Land ownership in Archaic and Classical Athens and Sparta
State intervention and private economy in Classical Greek city-states
The role of the poet in Geometric and Archaic Greece
The debates between Aeschines and Demosthenes
The Hymns to Zeus by Callimachus and Cleanthes
Novel typologies of the Imperial period
The impact of democracy on Attic drama
Retrospective narrations in Agamemnon and Oedipus Tyrannus
The ‘barbaric’ world in Euripides
The use of Reason by Gorgias and Plato
The Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle
The study of natural reality: Leucippus, Democritus, Epicurus and Plato
The ideal polities of Plato and Aristotle
Music education in ancient Greece
The iconographic themes on the sanctuary arches of Byzantine temples (AD 324-1204)
Examples of Late Byzantine and post-Byzantine iconography
The ideal Emperor and foreign ruler in the Strategikon by Kekaumenos
Ancient Greek traditions, Byzantine State and Church, and the production of Byzantine literature
Women in the Byzantium
'Romans', Greeks, Hellenes: Pre-revolutionary notions of national identity
Hellenicity in modern Greek art
Archaic dialects, the Hellenistic Koine and the modern Greek language
The Heptanesian poetry of the 19th century
The Murderess by Alexander Papadiamantis
A comparison between K.P. Kavafis and K.G. Karyotakis
A comparison between A. Sikelianos and K.G. Karyotakis
Folk art and artistic creation: terminology and ideological content
Modern Greek ‘artistic’ music: schools, movements, interactions
Different manifestations of dance education in modern Greece
Comedy and tragedy in Cretan and Heptanesian theatre
Mid-war period Ethography: Fintanaki by Pantelis Horn
Ancient drama remakes in post-war Greek cinema: Electra (1962)
The funding sources of Greek cinema in the 1970s and 1980s
The concept of multiculturalism in Claude Lévi-Strauss
The use of Reason by Gorgias and Plato
The Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle
The study of natural reality: Leucippus, Democritus, Epicurus and Plato
The ideal polities of Plato and Aristotle
The universal concepts in Nominalism and Empiricism
Immanuel Kant: The Critique of Pure Reason
Folk art and artistic creation: terminology and ideological content
Basic archaeological methods, analysis and interpretation
The cultural characteristics of Bronze Age Greece
The historical course of museums in Greece
Modernising the Archaeological Museum of Samothrace
Pottey and Stone in the evaluation of ancient trade
Pottery in elucidating the household
Petrological study on pottery from Lower Nubia
Report on a small ceramic assemblage from medieval Qasr Ibrim
Report on a small worked stone assemblage from Dorset
Report on a ceramic assemblage from Clausentum
For those about to fail, we salute you
Dipylon-style amphorae: Technological specialisation for elite consumption