The author's professional experience and research interests

Along the years, the author has been involved in a number of projects and has developed a variety of research interests, which relate to a variety of archaeological contexts. The list below could value as part of the author's curriculum vitae.

Field archaeology

Practical archaeological fieldwork
Recording and analysis of large ceramic assemblages
Archaeological illustration of ceramics, lithics, metal objects and other small finds
Basic familiarity with the examination of human skeletons and animal bones
Basic involvement in maritime archaeology and ancient seafaring
Post-excavation analysis and interpretation of ceramic and lithic artefacts
Digital and analogue photography and underwater photography
Artefact conservation in the field

Supplementary fieldwork
Experimental archaeology
Community engagement and outreach activities
Ethnographic research and Ethnoarchaeology


Material studies
Petrographic skills, preparation of thin sections and resinated blocks
Thin section microscopy (TSM)
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX)
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF)
Digital image processing and photogrammetry
Statistics and quantification analysis

Research interests

Study of 19th and early 20th century material culture in the Greece: post-Ottoman ceramics, building materials, furniture, early electromechanical devices, textiles, jewellery, ecclesiastical artefacts and works of representational art.

The archaeology of World Wars I and II, with particular interest in the recording and analysis of military equipment, textiles and relevant materials.

British prehistoric and Roman pottery from East Anglia and the Central-South Midlands; the study of early and late prehistoric and Roman ceramic technologies in the British Isles.

Analysis and interpretation of ceramic and lithic artefacts (e.g. ceramic building material, loom-weights, fired clay, spindle whorls, quern stones, hones, etc.).

Attic Geometric and Orientalising decorated pottery production (c. 900 – 600 BC) in relation to the broader social transformations of the Attic Early Iron Age.

Archaeological ceramics, with particular interest in Greek decorated finewares from Sub-Mycenaean/Protogeometric to Classical times (c. 1100 – 332 BC).

The study of contemporary pottery production through ethnographic research and experimental archaeology.

Archaeological theory, with particular interest in behavioural analysis and the chaîne opératoire approach.

Maritime archaeology, Mediterranean seafaring and the study of Mycenaean trade during the 2nd millennium BC.

Roman trade and the distribution of Roman transport amphorae across Continental Europe and the Mediterranean basin between the 3nd century BC and the 4th century AD.

Ancient Egyptian material culture between the 7th century BC (Late Period) and the 3rd century AD (Early Christian period): funerary rites, ceramic production, art, architecture; Greco-Egyptian and Romano-Egyptian cultural interactions.

The Napatan/Meroitic civilisation and material culture between the 8th century BC and 3rd century AD, with particular interest in the Romano-Meroitic conflicts at the margins of the Nubian Desert.

The archaeology of Greece from early prehistory until Byzantine and Ottoman times, supplemented by an interest in ancient and modern Greek history, literature, philosophy representational arts and architecture.

Ancient Greek language and Classical Greek literature, with particular interest in the Homeric Epics, the Platonic philosophy and the comedies of Aristophanes.

The archaeology of music and the study of ancient musical instruments through art, archaeology and experimental reconstructions.

Academic teaching

Greek History
History of Prehistoric Arts in the Mediterranean
Introduction to Classical Greek Arts
Introduction to Archaeological Theory and Practice
Archaeology of the Mediterranean Societies Egypt, Greece and Rome
Aegean Bronze Age
Classical Greece
Discovering Archaeology
Introduction to Greece and Rome
Great Discoveries (in Archaeology)
Archaeological Illustration

Memberships and affiliations

Associate Level (A.C.I.f.A) in the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (since 2017)
Member of the Study Group for Roman Pottery (2016-20)
Member of the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group (2016-20)
Member of the Roman Finds Group (2016-20)
Member of the Late Prehistoric Finds Group (2016-20)
Member of the Ipswich Archaeological Trust (2016-20)
Affiliate of the French Archaeological School at Cairo (2012)
Member of the British School at Athens (2011-15)
Affiliate of the Egypt & Sudan Exploration Society (2009-12)
Affiliate of the Greek Archaeological Fellowship (2004-7)
Member of the Greek National Research Institute (2002-7)

The author's professional experience and research interests