Scope of the website

This website is the result of many years of thought and careful planning. It is the fruit of the author's personal work, put together by one of the most brilliant and patient web designers in the market, to whom the author owns his respect and sincere gratitude. It represents the materialisation of an old vision, that information must circulate freely and scientific dialogue must be accessible to everyone who is interested in learning and engaging in its discussions.

The scope of this website

The scope of this website is the promotion of the author's personal work, which is primarily archaeological and ethnographic. As explained in the previous section, the author has been involved in various archaeological excavations across three continents, ethnographic research, experimental archaeology, artefact curation, archaeometric (laboratory based) analyses, the study of historical archives, academic teaching and public engagement activities. The author feels that his work and professional ideas should be freely accessible to the public, as he truly believes in the freedom of information. His website contributes towards this direction.

The 'Archaeology' menu

The 'Archaeology' menu is designed to host articles divided in thematic categories. Everybody is welcome to read the articles and use their information freely, provided that the author is cited when such information is republished through other media. Students in history and archaeology are more than welcome to access this website and draw any information they find useful for their own research. Colleagues are invited to participate in the dialogue and are encouraged to send their comments and feedback to the author's email. Their contributions will be added in the comments section under each article, unless stated differently. In order to have any comments and feedback posted on this website, two simple rules apply: firstly, the use of inappropriate language is prohibited; and secondly, the commentators must state their full name and title, which will be included under their comments. Anonymous contributions will neither be considered, nor published.

The 'Thoughts' menu

This website also includes a menu under the broader title 'Thoughts'. This is the place where the author publishes his personal thoughts and views on a variety of topics.

The first sub-menu, under the title 'Archaeology today', hosts the author's personal comments and ideas on a range of themes associated with archaeological practice, the interpretation of archaeological finds and the publication of archaeological work. It must be clarified that all articles in this section represent personal opinions and personal views. They do not represent solid pieces of academic work, and therefore, they do not include any citations and bibliography. The author has decided that no comments are to be added under these articles; however, if one wishes to engage in a dialogue and challenge the author's views, then counter-articles are more than welcome and will be included in the same section, provided that these are eponymous and written in appropriate language. Please feel free to send your thoughts to the author via email.

The second sub-menu, under the title 'Reflections from the past', is a cyberspace where the author hosts segments of personal experiences, written in ways that amuse, puzzle or even shock the reader. This section is informal; it shares stories and events that were either witnessed by the author in person, or they were told to the author by people he interviewed in the past. The reader must be warned that the borderline between reality and fiction may not always be distinguishable in such pieces of written work, which can also be regarded as literature. On the other hand, the reader should always wonder if such borderline exists.

The personal element

While designing this website, friends always wondered what the reason of incorporating a section on non-scientific personal experiences was. It is the authors view that people are not only forged through their education and professional development, but also in relation to their broader experiences from this world. Life is an important and difficult-to-attend institution of knowledge and character. We are who we are not only because of the people who raised us or taught us, but also because of the experiences that we have been through. At the end of the day, in a scientific, philosophical, religious or even non-scholarly manner, everybody is trying to figure out the reason of his/her existence; it was my own path that led me to building this website.

A message to those who object without knowing

“ὀχλεῖς μάτην με, κῦμʹ ὅπως παρηγορῶν
εἰσελθέτω σε μήποθʹ ὡς ἐγὼ Διὸς
γνώμην φοβηθεὶς θηλύνους γενήσομαι
καί λιπαρήσω τὸν μέγα στυγούμενον
γυναικομίμοις ὑπτιάσμασιν χερῶν
λῦσαί με δεσμῶν τῶνδε· τοῦ παντὸς δέω”.

Αἰσχύλου, Προμηθεὺς Δεσμώτης, 1001-1006

“You bother me in vain, as if you are talking to the waves of the sea. It should never cross your mind that I might be afraid of Zeus’ judgment, so that I might become a woman in order to beg him with outstretched arms, the one that I hate so much, to release me from my bonds. This will never happen”.
Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound, 1001-1006

Scope of the website